
The Real War (La guerre véritable)**

What we have undertaken must not be confused with anything else and cannot be limited to the expression of certain ideas or even less to what is rightly considered art. It is necessary to produce and to eat: many things are necessary that are still nothing, and so it is with political agitation. Who imagines, […]

Journal translations Uncategorized Web-Only Content

Against the State of Emergency

This text was translated from the French by Robert Hurley and merits a statement regarding the context from which it emerged. The original article,‘contre létat d’urgence, l’urgence de prendre la rue,’ was written upon request by the French newspaper Le Monde. The newspaper had asked for a commentary from some of the Tarnac defendants ( […]

Web-Only Content

ZINE: “It’s Not a Debate, It’s War!”

On Hostis’s removal of Nina Power’s ‘zine‘It’s Not a Debate, It’s a War’: We are removing this pamphlet as an act of solidarity with transfeminism. Hostis has always defined politics as acts of partisanship in the ethical game of alliances. Our actions follow from the conviction that there is no room for debating reactionaries. There […]